Since 1984, for better or worse, I have always been propelled by my creative urges. My creativity is my life force, my guiding light. I feel strongly that my creative drive is what allows me to unfold and be seen, which I hope inspires others to do the same.
Since 2012 Rainbow Vision has been through many phases, growing from hand making cards in my spare bedroom, to illustrating hundreds of designs, shipping well over 20,000 orders including our best selling Rainbow Vision planner
, opened and closed a retail store, and weathered tough choices during a pandemic. Now Rainbow Vision is refreshed, with more streamlined and seasonal offerings, a loving dedication to the Forever Flame newsletter , and new offerings on the way for 2025.
When I am not busy doing all of those other things, I am a mom to a very talkative and delightful kindergartener, enjoying my town of Atlanta, and playing guitar with my husband in Ultra Lights.

When it comes to environmental stewardship, we are always working towards doing better when it comes to materials sourcing. While being "green" isn't always perfect, here are some ways that Rainbow Vision is attempting to lower our footprint:
- Every order plants a tree with One Tree Planted
- Planners and notebooks are made with 30% PC paper
- No plastic coatings on book covers so they can be 100% recyclable and biodegradable
- Envelopes and cards are produced in part with renewable energy methods
- Cellophane sleeves are made from plant based materials making them fully biodegradable